38 research outputs found

    El voto dual en Cataluña: Lealtad y transferencia de votos en las elecciones autonómicas

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    El fenómeno del voto dual no es exclusivo del ámbito catalán, pero ha sido en Cataluña donde ha adquirido su mayor importancia. El desarrollo de la lógica del voto dual lleva a un sector considerable de votantes catalanes a cambiar su voto entre las elecciones legislativas y las autonómicas: los partidos nacionalistas suelen incrementar sus apoyos electorales en las consultas para el Parlament, y los de ámbito estatal suelen hacerlo en las que tienen por objeto al Congreso de los Diputados.Peer reviewe

    Methodological challenges for the large N study of local participatory experiences. Combining methods and databases

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    In this article we analyse the effects of different data collection strategies in the study of local participatory experiences in a region of Spain (Andalusia). We examine the divergences and similarities between the data collected using different methods, as well as the implications for the reliability of the data. We have collected participatory experiences through two parallel processes: a survey of municipalities and web content mining. The survey of municipalities used two complementary strategies: an online questionnaire and a CATI follow-up for those municipalities that had not answered our first online contact attempt. Both processes (survey and data mining) were applied to the same sample of municipalities, but provided significantly different images of the characteristics of Andalusia’s participatory landscape. The goal of this work is to discuss the different types of biases introduced by each data collection procedure and their implications for substantive analyses.Peer Reviewe

    White Paper 1: New foundations for a sustainable global society

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    Coordinación: Eduardo Moyano Estrada; Tomás García Azcárate.This volume is focused on the axis “New foundations for a sustainable global society”, and refers to the important process of global change that affects all dimensions of society, disrupting the context in which scientific work has been developed in recent decades. It is a process of change not comparable to what happened decades ago, mainly due to its breadth, multidimensionality and interdependence, and also to the fact that this process manifests itself simultaneously in many areas, territories and social groups. Its analysis therefore requires carrying out a convergence exercise between areas and lines of research, betting on a multidisciplinary approach, since both “globalization” and “sustainability” are, concepts that affect society, as a whole.Peer reviewe

    Julien Talpin Schools of democracy. How (sometimes) ordinary citizens become competent in participatory budgeting institutions ECPR Press, Colchester, 2011.

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    Clearly, we cannot expect that all participatory process have individual cultural consequences on its participants. However, some of the previous literature has created too high expectations regarding this issue and Julien Talpin’s book contributes to demolish part of these expectations. This first important result of the book happens even if the author chooses one particular type of process (participatory budgeting) where these effects could be expected and are not fully unrealistic: Some participants devote time, intellectual and affective energies in these processes where real decisions that affect citizen’s lives are made.Peer reviewe

    Methodological challenges in participation research

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    Participation is a well-established subject in the social sciences. Individual participation, non-governmental organizations, interest groups, and social movements have all been important fields of research for years, at least among sociologists and political scientists. Each of these areas has also developed its own methodological traditions and debates, permitting new researchers entering the field to have a clear idea of the choices offered them if they want to study the identities of participants in social movements or the new forms of online participation.Peer reviewe

    El pez grande se come al chico: las consecuencias electorales de gobernar en las CC.AA. y municipios españoles

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    El artículo trata de verificar si el hecho de gobernar es electoralmente rentable o si, por el contrario, desgasta a los partidos gobernantes. El universo de análisis son las CC. AA. y los principales municipios españoles desde la recuperación de la democracia hasta la actualidad. El trabajo tiene tres conclusiones principales. En primer lugar, gobernar no constituye claramente ni una ventaja ni un problema para el titular del ejecutivo, pero sí una oportunidad para darse a conocer, contribuyendo así a reforzar la idea que son los gobiernos quienes ganan o pierden las elecciones. La primera legislatura municipal y autonómica presenta un patrón mucho más claro, donde el gobierno sí constituyó una gran ventaja electoral para quienes lo detentaron, en un contexto donde todo estaba por hacer y donde las bases sociales de los partidos estaban en buena medida por definir. Pero quizás el resultado más claro es que en los gobiernos de coalición es donde mayores transferencias electorales se producen y éstas funcionan casi siempre en el mismo sentido: a favor del principal socio de gobierno y en detrimento de los socios menores. El artículo incluye un anexo final comentando las hipótesis discutidas a la luz de los resultados de las elecciones municipales y autonómicas de 1999.Peer reviewe

    Schools of democracy

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    Clearly, we cannot expect that all participatory process have individual cultural consequences on its participants. However, some of the previous literature has created too high expectations regarding this issue and Julien Talpin’s book contributes to demolish part of these expectations. This first important result of the book happens even if the author chooses one particular type of process (participatory budgeting) where these effects could be expected and are not fully unrealistic: Some participants devote time, intellectual and affective energies in these processes where real decisions that affect citizen’s lives are made. Cultural changes among participants occur, but only in certain circumstances, for specific groups of people and more for some attitudes (and behaviours) than for others.Peer Reviewe